Feb 1, 2022 – Director Priscilla Gray – Self-employed Businesswoman and active in educational politic at local, state, and federal levels presented a history lesson in the area of politics. Priscilla stressed to the Rotarians and guest the importance of staying abreast of current issues. Equally important, she gave examples of how history places a great part in the decision of voters. The belief of each party and the ability of the campaigners to effectively communicate those ideas often leads to success or failure at the ballot box. Priscilla was well prepared and was able to explain all the issues with facts from the campaigns and the views from all sides. One of the key points made at the beginning of the presentation as well as at the end was the fact voters must be knowledgeable about the issues. The question-and-answer session were great as all questions were answered without putting down any one party but always explained from the historical point of view the outcomes were determined. Priscilla did an amazing job staying away from personal views and stay within the content of politics in history based on our United States Constitution. Priscilla Gray is currently planning a podcast to promote more ways to educate the citizens about the United States Constitution as well as the history of politics.