Jan 11, 2022 – Scott Kaplan – CCSO revealed how the taxpayers’ money are very well invested in carrying out the mission of protecting the citizens of Collier County. Much of the funding to support the vehicles and other modern equipment are paid for from grants. Since the CCSO is independent of the Collier County Commissioner the Sheriff is able to get funding from the state and federal levels to obtain the equipment needed. Many unmarked cars can be found rolling along the highways allowing the officers to go unnoticed while keeping the streets safe. Often the vast motor vehicles are not seen but always on display when needed or during demonstration carried out during the year. The boats, helicopters, and heavy equipment used by the SWAT members in carrying out their mission are available for the well-trained officers of Collier County. Officer Kaplan helped the Rotarians understand why our county is one of the safest not only in Florida but across the nation.
Scott Kaplan – CCSO
Bio: Due to the fact police officers are working in high-risk jobs their backgrounds are not published here. However, I will do an evaluation of the presentation. Officer Scott Kaplan was very knowledgeable of the equipment within the CCSO. He truly had experience in using most of the equipment and as he had worked in the field as well as doing administration work. He is always seeking the opportunity to train and learn more which is one of the key reasons the expertise about the equipment rolls so easily from his head. Officer Kaplan was able to answer each of the tough questions with ease because of love for his job and knowing the equipment necessary to perform in every situation when called upon. Outstanding presentation and was applauded by all the Rotarians and guests at the meeting.