April 26, 2022 – Christine Cargnoni – Toastmasters International and the relationship with Rotary International, – Rotarians and guests quickly became aware the special relationship with Toastmasters and Rotarians have been an ongoing success story for the best two years. Christine is a distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) and her skills and talent were on full display during this weekly Rotary Meeting. DTM Christine shared with the Rotarians and guests the projects the two Clubs have worked well together in the past such as the two Veterans Day Activities and the Constitution Projects. She not only updated about the projects but shared with everyone how to get started as a Toastmaster and how the program is tailored to match the needs and desire for each person individually. Some of the great members from the local Advanced Toastmasters Club included the current District 19 Congressman Bryon Donalds and our very own Rotarians such as Chris Pritchard and Joseph Cofield. The members were lining up to join the Toastmaster Club once Christine completed her presentation. In addition to being an amazing Toastmaster, Christine is an author, coach, and mentor. Please visit her site at: christinecargnoni.com – to find out even more about this amazing presenter who held everyone hanging on each word and having all their questions answered about Toastmasters International.
Christine Cargnoni
BIO: As a past certified catechist, Christine enjoys helping others. Whether through financial or ethical training, or speaking and capturing the joy of friendship, Christine continues to expand her horizons.
She specializes in body language and ethics in professional speaking and training.
Her latest endeavor is to bring family traditions in the Christmas season by storytelling.
As the Rotarians and guest learned Christine is an extraordinarily complex but down to earth person.
Her Job Title: Director-Product, her Education: at University of Pittsburgh, and her Works For: Toastmasters International are just the tip of the spear as her cloth lines and being a successful author are just a few more things on her too busy to stay still lifestyle. Please visit – ChristineCargnoni.com – to learn more about Christine Cargnoni.