April 12, 2022 – David Steckler – faculty of Justice Studies, FGCU, spoke to us about his years of volunteering, with student interns, to represent victims of domestic violence in Family and Domestic Violence Court. He explained that this “Legal Clinic” Is a university-sponsored program, using trained student interns, to assist in the representation of persons referred to the Clinic.
The PowerPoint he presented set forth the statistics concerning ‘intrafamilial violence, and how Florida’s family and criminal laws are designed to protect against domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence and dating violence. The presentation focused upon the procedures of Domestic Violence Courts to issue injunctions for protection/protective orders.
We learned that Domestic Violence Courts use a civil evidentiary standard-preponderance of evidence-to justify the issuance of injunctions to forbid the abuser from any direct and indirect contact with the victim. Further, we learned that the stalking laws cover personal harassment as well as electronic misconduct toward the victim, and then online stalking is both is both common and highly effective at causing the victim to have extreme emotional disturbance.

David Steckler
BIO: faculty of Justice Studies, FGCU, spoke to us about his years of volunteering, with student interns, to represent victims of domestic violence in Family and Domestic Violence Court. He explained that this “Legal Clinic” Is a university-sponsored program, using trained student interns, to assist in the representation of persons referred to the Clinic.
The PowerPoint he presented set forth the statistics concerning ‘intrafamilial violence, and how Florida’s family and criminal laws are designed to protect against domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence and dating violence. The presentation focused upon the procedures of Domestic Violence Courts to issue injunctions for protection/protective orders.
We learned that Domestic Violence Courts use a civil evidentiary standard-preponderance of evidence-to justify the issuance of injunctions to forbid the abuser from any direct and indirect contact with the victim. Further, we learned that the stalking laws cover personal harassment as well as electronic misconduct toward the victim, and then online stalking is both is both common and highly effective at causing the victim to have extreme emotional disturbance.